No1 : India's best CBSE School Consultant
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How to Start an IGCSE School in India?

How to Start an IGCSE School in India?

Understanding the procedure to start an IGCSE School in India is the necessity to accept the entire program. International General Certificate of Education is an internationally reputed organization that offers high-quality education accessible to the global world. The main aim of IGCSE is to provide the high educational performance for…
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Why Your School Needs A Good Website?

Why Your School Needs A Good Website?

We always hear a phrase “First Impression is the Last Impression” and are relatable in our scenario. A Website for a New or any Existing School is required to give a good impression as it represents School’s Image and reputation of the School which can lead to increased admissions. It…
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Steps to Recruit Teachers and Administrative Staff

Steps to Recruit Teachers and Administrative Staff

With years of experience our HR experts match good schools with good teachers, administrative staff, principal and the combination, predictably, is the best for a student. We ensure that the teachers’ professional, personal skills and strengths address the needs of the school, taking into consideration their experience and qualifications. From…
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Purpose of Senior Secondary School in India

Purpose of Senior Secondary School in India

Secondary Education is the second stage in the system of public education usually beginning with Class IX & X of during which education is differentiated in varying degrees according to the needs, interests, and aptitudes of the pupils. Secondary Education stage is important because it represents the gateway to a…
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Why does a School Consultant is required?

Why does a School Consultant is required?

School Consultants are usually individuals who have been teachers and have been actively involved in school administration. Consultants are experts who have expertise in the important areas of education, viz. Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment. With their in-depth knowledge of school education, the Consultants add value to the school. They help…
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Deciding the Budget for the School

Deciding the Budget for the School

New School Budget for a new school may be bifurcated under various heads as given below: Infrastructure development (in phase manner) Establishment cost (includes planning, approvals and permissions etc.) Recruitment, Marketing and Operational expenses planning. Estimation for the fees expected Investment required for Computer Lab, Math’s Lab, Composite Science Lab,…
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