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The Role Of The School Management Committee

The Role Of The School Management Committee

Education is a three-pronged activity, one is the school, second the student and, third the parents/ community. Where the participation of the parents or community is negligent or absent, education remains a supply model and not a demand model. The progress of a country largely depends on the growth of the education system, a system that is dynamic and matches the best practices in the world.

The Right To Education Act of 2009, which ensures free and compulsory education to children of the country, has been lauded as a landmark in the history of India. The Act also enumerates the role of the School Management Committee (SMC) as a very important component of school education. To provide for the participation of the parents in the governance of the academics and activities of the school the RTE Act has empowered the SMC.

Every affiliated school, subject to the State Governments’ provision for the same, must have an SMC. The term of the SMC is three years, and it shall meet at least twice in the academic session. The composition of the SMC shall consist of not more than 21 members. At least 50% of the members must be women. The composition of the SMC ensures the involvement of parents, teachers, teachers of other school, representatives of the Board.
Powers and Functions of the SMC:

The SMC ensures that-
1. Admissions are made without discretions.
2. The welfare of teachers and other employees are taken care of.
3. Appointment of teachers and other employees shall be made with the committee’s approval.
4. The SMC shall have financial powers beyond those delegated to the Principal.
5. It can audit the academics and activities without interfering with the freedom of the Principal.
6. The fees and other charges shall be approved by the SMC.
7. The budget presented by the Principal shall be reviewed by the SMC.
8. The SMC shall also review the steps taken for the safety and security of the students and staff of the school;
9. The SMC shall also look into the grievances of the staff and deal with these appropriately.

Thus, when the community, the parents, the teachers and the management of the school come together, then the systems as envisaged by the architects of the education systems prevalent in the nation become comparable to that of international standards. Hence, the SMC members must be aware of the laws of the State pertaining to education and must know their rights and duties, their extent of powers.


  • S Madhusudhan

    July 6, 2019 - 1:42 am

    All teachers & Principal/ Head master of the schools must be made accountable for learning outcome of the students. There an autonomous regulatory body should be constituted to monitor it.

  • Suchismita Dasgupta

    September 5, 2019 - 8:20 am

    As per as I know that here is no clear instruction in Right To Education Act 2009 regarding formation , execution and functioning of the School Management Committees for private schools. They have made their own rules & regulations. In reality , in most of the cases it has been noticed that these management committees’ foremost aims and objective is to increase their own funds.

  • Pramod Mudbhatkak

    September 13, 2020 - 2:22 pm

    Whether the SMCs have disciplinary powers? Whether they can take diciplinary action if the institution is aided by Govt?

    • Educare India Advisory

      April 15, 2021 - 11:18 am

      Dear Pramod

      Yes the SMC have the power to take disciplinary action.
      Should you have any more query, please connect with us at 8889063333 or mail us at

  • mamadu conteh

    April 20, 2021 - 7:04 pm

    it’s useful but I need more

    • Educare India Advisory

      April 26, 2021 - 10:19 am

      Dear Mamadu contech

      You may please get in touch with us at or 8889063333

  • tasmin

    April 12, 2022 - 12:23 pm

    Is SMC Administrative and managerial? if its administrative then why so? if it managerial then why so?

  • Educare India Advisory

    April 25, 2022 - 1:37 pm

    Dear Peter
    You may please call us at 8889063333 or drop a mail at

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