The CBSE is the most popular Board of education in India. This has been possible because the CBSE has always been researching and reinventing new methods and standards of education. If the focal point of CBSE is to be explained in a nutshell then it is to take education to the highest level compared to the best in the world. Towards this end, the board constantly improves and improvises on the myriad aspects of school education.
The latest major decisions effected by the CBSE are:
1. Learning outcomes:
Special impetus is being given to Learning Outcomes, so that a child’s progress can be mapped on a daily basis. This will help in avoiding rote learning and a child’s understanding of the concepts will gain importance.
2. Experiential Learning:
It is the theme for the new academic year 2019-’20. Learning by doing, and learning through the child’s innate ability must be encouraged by the teachers. A total shift from learning within the four walls of the class room and book learning, towards developing the learning abilities of the child is what experiential learning is all about.
3. Art education:
It has been made compulsory for all classes from classes I – X. A child’s inherent pull towards the Arts is well known. This interest can be used as a tool for experiential learning. New methods of expressing his learning through different forms of art will clearly deviate from mechanical retrieval. The board recommends both visual and performing arts to integrate with education.
4. Sports and Physical Education:
Finally, due Importance to physical health and growth finds a place in the regular school life of a student. From the session 2019-20, one period of sports per day has been made mandatory for all classes.
5. Class IX and X:
a). Introduction of Skill Subjects: To enhance the capabilities in job oriented subjects, skill subjects have been introduced from class IX as a 6th subject. These courses are offered in collaboration with the industry or relevant organisations and joint certificates are issued. The skill subjects introduced this year are Artificial Intelligence, Early Childhood Care & Education, and Yoga. To sensitise the students the Board has suggested schools to allot 12 hours at class VIII for Artificial Intelligence.
b). Two levels of examinations in Mathematics: This is applicable for students appearing for the Board examinations in 2020. The two levels are Maths Standard and Maths Basic. The child may choose either when registering for the examination. The syllabus and question paper pattern will remain the same, though the Maths Basic will be an easier level.
6. Class XI and XII:
a). The Board only mandates one language, either English or Hindi and the student is free to choose any combination of four subjects. Subject Streams are suggested by the school and not by the Board.
b)Internal assessments in Class XII: School-based assessments will assume more significance for the Board examinations. Mathematics, Languages, Political Science and Legal Studies too have been assigned 20 marks for Internal Assessments.
c) The Compendium of Courses after +2 is an effort to give in-depth information for students who are on the verge of selecting a career. The information is available on the CBSE website.
7. Hubs of Learning:
A group of five schools in an area will form a hub to facilitate best practices, innovative ideas, sharing of resources, teachers training, Parent orientation, motivational talks for students, etc.
8. Exemptions and concessions have been granted for students with Benchmark Disabilities during the Board exams.
The National Assessment Survey (2017-18) indicates that the competency of CBSE students is above the national average.