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Introducing Artificial Intelligence soon

A write up by Educare India Advisory on Skill Course “Artificial Intelligence” introduction and offer for different classes by CBSE

To keep pace with the needs of the new generation, that is exposed to a lot of knowledge through a myriad of sources, CBSE has introduced Artificial Intelligence as a sixth subject in Classes IX & X, to be introduced in the IX from the session 2019-20. The CBSE also suggests that to sensitize the students to AI, 12 hours may be allotted in class VIII. This article tries to introduce Artificial Intelligence to the readers.

The study of how to invent computers which would ably mimic human intelligence is Artificial Intelligence (AI). The English dictionary explains AI as the theory and development of computer systems that are able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.

“In computer science, artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and animals”- Wikipedia

AI is also the name of the scientific field which studies how to create computers and computer software that is capable of intelligent behavior.

The idea of AI was prompted by the thought that man’s brain worked in a mechanical manner, or rather like a machine and therefore it can be duplicated. In the mythologies, the existence of a superior intelligent being, which was an imaginary creature soon became a reality, with the improved supercomputers that can imitate the human brain almost perfectly.

No doubt that AI is here to stay because of its advantages to human beings. It’s incredible accuracy, speed and precision are helpful to society.

• If coded correctly, AI would have a minimal error rate.
• Hostile environments do not have any effect, thus dangerous tasks can be completed, explore in space, and endure problems that would injure or kill human beings.
• Replace human beings in repetitive, tedious tasks and in many laborious places of work.
• Predict what a user will type, ask, search, and do.
• Can detect fraud in card-based systems, and possibly other systems in the future.
• Organize records.
• Interact with humans for entertainment or a task as avatars or robots.
• They can think logically without emotions, making rational decisions with less or no mistakes.
• Can assess people for medical purposes, perform Robotic radiosurgery with a high level of precision that humans can’t.
• They don’t need to sleep, rest, take breaks, or get entertained, as they don’t get bored or tired.

• Very expensive to build and repair.
• Some argue that it is not ethically and morally correct to have androids and machines with human-like intelligence.
• They cannot work outside of what they were programmed for.
• They can only retrieve what is already programmed so they cannot create.
• In some professions more than precision an emotional bonding is required. In such places, they would fail.
• Robots can lead to severe unemployment.
• They can make human beings too dependent and even lose their mental capacities.
• Machines can easily lead to destruction if put in the wrong hands.
Technology is moving at breakneck speed, and we now have more power in our pockets in the form of our mobile phones than we had in our homes in the 1990s.


want-to-start-school In the near future, we can expect sophisticated AI to bring about a great in our everyday lives. “Pepper” the robot made in Japan as near to a human being, because it can understand emotions, process and then emote too. AI, therefore may make a large impact on transportation, Cyborg technology, doing risky jobs, predict climatic changes by identifying trends and patterns, a robot as a companion and help in adult care.

1. Transportation:
Transportation methods like trains are very close to being fully automated. We’re already seeing the beginnings of self-driving cars, though the vehicles are currently required to have a driver present at the wheel for safety.

2. Cyborg Technology:
Our bodies and brains impose a lot of limitations, but the introduction of AI will make it possible to remove these limitations to a large degree. Robots will, in the near future, help human beings enhance their faculties. The brain will be able to communicate with a robotic limb to give the patient more control over his weak limb. This kind of cyborg technology would significantly reduce the limitations that amputees deal with on a daily basis.

3. Taking over dangerous jobs:
AI is being used where the jobs are dangerous, particularly in bomb defusing. These aren’t robots but are drones, which require a human to control them. Whether they are robots or drones, they have saved thousands of lives by taking over one of the most dangerous jobs in the world.

Other jobs are also being reconsidered for robot integration. Fire-fighting and welding, well known for producing toxic substances, intense heat, and earsplitting noise, can now be outsourced to robots in most cases.

4. Solving climate change:
Since robot’s store, read and analyze more data than a human being can ever do, AI can one day identify trends and use that information to come up with solutions to the world’s biggest problems.

5. Robot as a companion:
“Pepper”, the robot was programmed in Japan to read human emotions, develop its own emotions, and help its human friends stay happy. Pepper went on sale in the U.S. in 2016, and more sophisticated friendly robots are sure to follow. The day is not far when robots may be used by Psychiatrists for dealing with their patients who suffer from depression!

6. Improved elder care:
In the evening years of life, everyday life becomes a struggle and may have to hire outside help to manage their care or rely on family members. AI soon will replace this need too. “Home” robots would help adults with everyday tasks and allow them to stay independent and in their homes instead of hospitals, which will improve their overall well-being.

The age of inventions will never die, as long as creative and intelligent people walk on earth. It’s not to be forgotten AI too was invented by human beings, so enslaving to it is not easy. A lot more is being done in this field and much more will continue, to add to the present knowledge on artificial intelligence.

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